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Don’t Eat The Paper!

Watching the Universe deliver is often like watching someone unwrap my favorite candy, in slow motion! It makes me feel like a 3yr old, watching someone unwrap candy that I did EVERYTHING I was told, and behaved in unimaginable obedience for! I just want to eat the paper and all! No waiting. However, that is NOT the way this works. Manifestation is about vibrational alignment. Either you are in alignment, or you are not. Period. If you have resistance to the reality of your desire, no matter what it is caused by, that creates misalignment, or ‘wobble’. Wobble is a term I first heard while listening to Abraham-Hicks. It describes times when you move too left or too right of beliefs that support your alignment with your desire. For example, anything that feels like fear, doubt, worry, and even anger (like when you’re angry that it’s not manifesting fast enough) causes misalignment, which is a wobble. On the other side of that coin are the moments of great alignment! Those moments often cause one to rendezvous with events that are the equivalent vibration of what their desire is. As I find the feelings associated with alignment, whether on the same topic as what I most desire, or not (as alignment is alignment, no matter the subject) I will see examples of what I desire EVERYWHERE! Initially, I feel excited to see that so much of my experience is reflecting what I am creating; mainly because I realize that in order for me to even be witnessing other people living the desires I am creating, I must be a vibrational match to what I am seeing. Yet, as aware as I am of this, my spiritual practice comes in handy when seeing what I want all over the place becomes annoying. The thoughts of doubt and fear that it will ALWAYS be just me seeing it ‘out there’ and not ‘right here’ begin to knock at my door and I have to stop, breathe, and remind myself to NOT TAKE SCORE TOO SOON! It is that very ‘wobbley’ thinking that sets up a vibration of misalignment! Remember this: seeing it is vibrational alignment! No matter what, do everything you can to find ways to appreciate and acknowledge this when you see your desires popping up all over the place. So, how does it go from ‘Ooo yes! Thank you! I’m getting candy” to “OMG! You have got to be the worst candy-unwrapper-person in the WHOLE world!!!! UGHHHHH! Just give it to ME! I’ll eat the paper and all! SMH!” so easily? As I am laughing hysterically at the accuracy of that sentiment for myself, I assure you that getting back to alignment from there is quite simple. Laugh, as much as you can at your 3yr old mind for throwing a vibrational fit! Then, gently let yourself off the hook. Remind yourself that the only reason you had a fit was because you really, truly want it, and it keeps showing itself to you...AND that can only happen if you’re in alignment, which is where you must STAY in order to experience it one on one, in YOUR personal experience. In the moment of an ongoing fit, this sentiment is most likely not attainable. Catch yourself either just before the emotion sets in, or allow the fit to happen, keeping it short. Keeping it short means, witnessing the fit as an event. Much like you would notice a paper cut, THEN you feel the pain, and THEN as time passes, the pain is forgotten even though the little cut may still be there, just gently notice how you’re feeling. Don’t get upset that you’re ‘acting like a 3yr old’. Allow that frustration to pass through you. Also, do not discuss it with ANYONE, not even your closest friends. I have to remember this often, as it feels almost impulsive to want to justify my fit by sharing my frustration with those whom I know also want me to have what I want. It is also a way to feel like I’m right to complain about how slow it seems to be going, when in actuality, speed is all determined by consistent alignment. Do not discuss the fit. You will only add momentum to manifesting what you’re complaining about, which is the absence of it! Laugh, acknowledge how much alignment you’re in to be close enough to see it, then change subjects quickly. When you feel better, or particularly good, revisit the reasons you may doubt and pivot those doubts into more encouraging beliefs. Just don’t try to eat the paper! Let me know how it goes. 

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