Signed, Spelled, Delivered

When was the last time you sat to hand write a letter? Even better, when was the last time you sat to enchant the stationary you used to write a letter?! Here is an opportunity to do just that! Keep in mind that you will need to do a bit of research on your own if you are not familiar with magick. Feel free to email me with any “How To” related questions.
Magickal Stationery 1. Write an intention statement. What do you intend to accomplish with this stationery? What energy, vibration, emotion are you charging this paper with? As you write this statement, use only positive, present tense wording. For example: “Herein breathes the essence of sensuality” or “These pages deliver power to manifest...”
2. From beginning to finish, even when choosing ingredients, keep this statement in the forefront of your awareness. Be sure you are in an environment that supports this constant focus. Gather ingredients that will both lend color as well as specific vibration in alignment with your statement. Research! What are the magickal properties of your chosen ingredients? Do they resonate to the desired emotional content of your purpose? Think of what these emotions feel like. Feel into what imagery and sensory experiences match your overall intention.
3. What alchemical energy are you using? Each day and hour in each day corresponds to particular vibrations. Briefly, Sunday = Sun, Monday = Moon, Tuesday = Mars, Wednesday = Mercury, Thursday = Jupiter, Friday = Venus, Saturday = Saturn. If you are not familiar with planetary alchemy, either take some time to research it, or skip it altogether. It will enhance the energetic efficacy here, however it is not mandatory. Choose the day and hour that works best to support your intention.
4. Mix all ingredients with black tea of your choice, 1 1/2 cups hot water and the juice from one small citrus fruit of your choice. Soak paper, one piece at a time (small pieces work best!) for 1-3 mins each. Be very gentle when manipulating the paper because it may tear.
5. Remove paper and hang to dry individually. If your paper is particularly fragile, dry flat on a screen or other hard surface with breathable holes. Dry overnight.
6. When dry, gently brush off any residue and prepare to write!
7. I recommend only making enough paper for single writing sessions at a time. If you intend to store extra pieces for future use, use the same focused intention when choosing the container and be sure to smudge it before use. Only use this container for this one purpose! Nothing else should ever be placed in this box. Label the container in some way that will remind you what your paper is intended for and what day and hour it was created under (if applicable).
8. Keep a journal of your results.