I Own This Happy

People are attracted into our life experience for lots of reasons. Have you ever attracted a person into your life who opened your eyes to many new things? Perhaps it was a new language, culture, hobby or even a whole new life choice. I challenge you to think back to the initial reasons for indulging in these new things. Was it for the sake of experiencing these things WITH this person, or was it simply a new addition to those things you identify as in alignment with your authentic self? How can you tell? Check in with yourself and examine how it feels to imagine these new experiences completely removed from the person that introduced you to them. I believe in associating positive experiences with how they add value to who I know I already am, and how they make me better. There is a dangerous trap in building associations between experiences and individuals. In your attachment of the experience to the person, you give your power away. The experience is quickly devalued and soured in any case of disappointment or ill mannered behavior exhibited by the one who introduced you to such wonderful things. You will find yourself unable to visit, see, enjoy otherwise amazing things and places. “I can’t go THERE anymore. I can’t see THAT anymore” is what one may say if that same person who introduced you to these things somehow becomes a negative memory. Why allow your joy and life enriching events to be subject to anyone’s behavior?! Sentimental value can be held toward anything, as well as a simultaneous awareness of the true source of your joy...your authentic self. How is this done? Accept the beauty that is inherent in any experience that brings you joy, then find opportunities to experience those things alone. Reinforce the benefit of the experience as it applies to you as a gift from you to yourself. Never allow any other person to be labeled as your only source of anything that brings you a highly desirable, valuable benefit. Give them the credit for the introduction, and keep the awareness of your own ability to feel that pleasure with or without them. Their ‘specialness’ will then be placed in its correct place...with them! They will be special because of who they are as an individual, what they intrinsically bring to your life as their true authentic self. That is a quality of their spirit that cannot be duplicated, and that is what they have power over - how well they are communicating their true Divine Self in your experience. Keep those moments when you experience who they are, NOT what they can do for you, give you, or even where they can take you, as special. You decide the value and place EVERYTHING and ANYONE holds in your life. Keep those in their proper places and you will have access to amazing additions to your life experience to keep for a lifetime.