Up From The Muddy Waters

Mudras are hand positions in Yoga that allow energy to flow through your body in specific ways for specific purposes. The lotus mudra is associated with the heart chakra, an energetic focal point in the body that represents love, compassion and openness. The Lotus Mudra represents emerging from unlikely, muddy, murky waters and blossoming into love, enlightenment, compassion, healing, and purpose. This Pink Lotus Mudra is a meditative variation of the traditional lotus mudra practice that developed from my own personal experience using this energy for healing.
This mudra and directed energy meditation helped me to ease a very heavy hearted area in my life. I was feeling a physical ‘weight’ in my heart chakra, fatigue, sadness and as if I were stuck in the mud of the current events in my life. My regular daily meditation was more than difficult to initiate, let alone complete. As I awoke this morning, I lay in bed with my eyes closed and I was reminded of the Lotus Mudra. I took several breaths, giving my attention to the air flowing in and out. I opened my eyes, placed my hands together, still laying on my back in bed, and positioned my prayer hands over my heart chakra. I then spread my fingers out like a fan with my palms still together. I took a few more focused breaths, bringing the image of a pink lotus flower bud to my hands. I imagined my hands were a blossoming pink lotus. I kept the base of my palms, my pinky fingers and thumbs pressed together and opened all my other fingers up like the petals of the lotus. I continued to notice my breath. I imagined all the weight and negative emotions as murky, muddy sludge being syphoned from my body, up through the center of the lotus, out into a beam of bright white light. I felt the flow of engery out of my body, particularly my heart chakra and solar plexus. I breathed normally, attention on my breath, and allowed gentle tears to flow. I felt enormous relief. As the relief and comfort set in, I noticed the image of muddy energy flowing out began to sudside. The stream of murky light dwindled and a beam of bright white light with shimmering pink crystal dust began to flow from above my heart chakra into the petals of the pink lotus. This light slid down the inside of the flower as it would a funnel; began to fill up my heart chakra, flowed into my solar plexus, and then grew out into a root pattern all throughout the rest of my body. I let the warmth and soothing love fill me up until I was ready to start my day. I ended by imagining the sparkling pink and white light filling the lotus flower like a chalice. I sat up in bed and poured it into my mouth as one would drink a healing elixir. I took a moment of reflection and thanksgiving then started my morning routine.
Imagery is a powerful tool for me. I incorporate it in much of my meditation as well as other spiritual work. There are many different ways to use ancient tools. Explore, read, learn and then be creative by adding practices that work for you. I was renewed and comforted by this Pink Lotus Mudra. Try it! What will you add to it to make it personal for you? What insights, imagery, emotions emerge? Contact me and share.