'Throw it in the Bag' Incense Recipe!

The most powerful magic is the kind you create from your own imagination, intentions and intuition. I love to mix up recipes for incense. Most of the time, all of the ingredients can be found in my own kitchen cabinets. I was up bright and early this morning with this recipe swirling in my mind. I will list the general ingredients, however the best way to do this is to sit, meditate and let your intuition guide you. Use your own magical intentions and inclinations to help you know whether to use the oil, leaf or powder form (or combinations thereof) of these ingredients. Keep in mind texture and burn quality.
The name of this incense is self explanatory. If you have never heard the song, find it and listen to it: Fabulous "Just Throw it in the Bag". Some advice...research the magical properties of each ingredient. Determine which attributes you want to amplify and adjust ingredient amounts according to what they do. This will also help you choose and create your own incense with better awareness and results.
*It is best to actually care for and have mutual affection for the person you focus this energy toward (if you have a specific person in mind). This is NOT 'Sugar Daddy' energy. Build a foundation here. Respect your partner and be willing to return the love!
Throw it in the Bag Incense
To attract endearments and extremely generous displays of affection via gifts, money, provisions, adventures, and all other manner of luxurious monetary/material adorations that come with true, genuine passion and even love.
Brown Sugar
Dragon's Blood
Camphor oil
Avacado oil
Mix thoroughly, being sure to crush and powder all bulky ingredients infusing your focused intentions as you mix. Let sit and cure for 24-48 hrs. Burn on charcoal.